Long distance friendships

I love friendships. I love talking about friendships, and reading about friendships, and dissecting friendships. I love being a part of them and starting new ones. However, inevitably it seems, there comes a point where either I or my friend must leave and move. Sometimes this is due to the nature of our friendship –Continue reading “Long distance friendships”

Back on the blog

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually written a blog post, even longer than the last time I posted something (for chronology, I wrote this originally before the last post in early April). And all this time I’ve been thinking about whether I even return to writing these posts, whether they matter, are theyContinue reading “Back on the blog”

Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)

I’m not entirely sure why, but in one of my friendship groups, we’ve really adopted the phrase “women in STEM” as a response to anything that women do. This is met with nods of the head, and an echoing “women in STEM” in return. Regardless of how good or bad the action is, or howContinue reading “Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)”

Thoughts on cringe

A couple of months ago, a colleague was leaving my team so naturally added us all on LinkedIn and social media to keep in contact. One thing about my social media is that very sneakily in the bios or descriptions, there’s always a link to this blog, just in case it tempts a passerby orContinue reading “Thoughts on cringe”

Summer sads

If you’ve been in Britain over this summer, you’ll know it lasted two weeks in June and then left the party early. Meanwhile, the rest of Europe seems to be having heatwaves and record temperatures. Not to complain, but I feel like we’ve been shortchanged and it’s really impacted my experience of the summer.  MaybeContinue reading “Summer sads”

I don’t care that much about being beautiful?

Somehow, this year I ended up in a conversation, entirely in Italian, where I was told I was beautiful and my eyes were the colour of a swimming pool. I replied, saying (in poor Italian) that usually I get told my eyes are grey. In any case, my eyes were definitely not the colour ofContinue reading “I don’t care that much about being beautiful?”

Another little poem

Winter is never easy, more so without the warmth of those you love without someone to call you ‘flower’ and add stickers to envelopes without someone beckoning you over to distribute their Christmas cards without the bracketed (surname) to remind you of what part of your family they belong to without the memories of lastContinue reading “Another little poem”

Coming full-circle

At various stages in life, such as the end of one year and the beginning of the next, we’re encouraged to reflect on our progress and look at the journey that brought us to where we are today. Some of us do this more than others, taking every new year, birthday, new job, new termContinue reading “Coming full-circle”

Existential Joy?!?!

For some reason, the philosophy department at my university thought it would be fitting to schedule the weekly ‘Existentialism’ lectures in first year for 9 am on a Monday morning. This nicely prepared me and most of the group to spend the entire week reflecting on the question of “what’s the point of life?” beforeContinue reading “Existential Joy?!?!”

Friends are well worth the hype

My big revelation on turning 24 was that most things are improved by having friends around. This may seem like an obvious revelation, however, I find myself isolating myself from friends again and again for one reason or another. Often, this is due to feeling burnt-out and the only solution seems to be watching filmsContinue reading “Friends are well worth the hype”

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