Long distance friendships

I love friendships. I love talking about friendships, and reading about friendships, and dissecting friendships. I love being a part of them and starting new ones. However, inevitably it seems, there comes a point where either I or my friend must leave and move. Sometimes this is due to the nature of our friendship –Continue reading “Long distance friendships”

Love Languages Again

If there’s one thing I can regularly weave into my conversations with friends, it’s love languages and personality tests. Maybe even the fact that one of my first posts to this blog was about love languages can attest to my slight infatuation with them. I really identify with my results and appreciate it massively whenContinue reading “Love Languages Again”

Hate Languages

After my blog post on love languages, back in December, I had some interesting conversations with people on the topic. One of the more interesting tangents that was brought up was the idea of hate languages – how people express their hate best (or dislike if hate is too strong for you). Would they beContinue reading “Hate Languages”

Love Languages

If you’re anything like me, you love a personality quiz. I am an INFP, type 2 most of the time, with a fear of not being loved balanced with a touch of over dramatics. (If you don’t believe me on the last one, I would ask you to investigate how many times I have declaredContinue reading “Love Languages”

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