Back on the blog

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually written a blog post, even longer than the last time I posted something (for chronology, I wrote this originally before the last post in early April). And all this time I’ve been thinking about whether I even return to writing these posts, whether they matter, are theyContinue reading “Back on the blog”


There were no trumpets No red carpet and fancy shoes No announcement to the world Or lightbulb moment I didn’t jump out of the bath Call my Mum with the great news No one prophesied it (Unless you count a ‘good work!’ comment on a year 3 short story) It was always there Hiding inContinue reading “Calling?”

More memoirs please

Over the past few years, as I have recovered from university and rediscovered my love of reading, I’ve had the chance to read a wide variety of books. I quickly realised that many of my favourites ended up being memoirs. This didn’t seem to be too dependent on the author or the events of theirContinue reading “More memoirs please”

There’s too much

I’ve not even started writing and already I get the feeling that this may come across as slightly hypocritical. However, I will set off on my argument with wild abandon for rules. From my humble perspective, there seem to be a lot more films nowadays. Also a lot more TV series. And music too, nowContinue reading “There’s too much”

Some More Poetry Perhaps

I have mentioned before that I sometimes write poems. As we approach Spring and the sun returns to us once again, I was reminded of this one I wrote at some point in my past. It celebrates one of my favourite little creatures. They have some really interesting significance in Egyptian mythology that I wouldContinue reading “Some More Poetry Perhaps”

Some Poetry Perhaps

Very occasionally I write poems. They are a great way of capturing big emotions, giving vent to them and making them all sit nicely in a row. There aren’t rules about how long sentences should be, or what words are allowed to come after other ones. Which is nice sometimes. This is one poem. WarmContinue reading “Some Poetry Perhaps”

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