Back on the blog

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually written a blog post, even longer than the last time I posted something (for chronology, I wrote this originally before the last post in early April). And all this time I’ve been thinking about whether I even return to writing these posts, whether they matter, are theyContinue reading “Back on the blog”

Knit one, purl one

I’ve really got into knitting lately. It started with my cousin announcing they were expecting a baby (for the purposes of my life, cousin can now be plural and refers both to the children of my aunts and uncles along with their partners. They’re essentially cousins by extension anyway). As any girl in their mid-twentiesContinue reading “Knit one, purl one”

Thoughts on cringe

A couple of months ago, a colleague was leaving my team so naturally added us all on LinkedIn and social media to keep in contact. One thing about my social media is that very sneakily in the bios or descriptions, there’s always a link to this blog, just in case it tempts a passerby orContinue reading “Thoughts on cringe”


There were no trumpets No red carpet and fancy shoes No announcement to the world Or lightbulb moment I didn’t jump out of the bath Call my Mum with the great news No one prophesied it (Unless you count a ‘good work!’ comment on a year 3 short story) It was always there Hiding inContinue reading “Calling?”

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