Thoughts on cringe

A couple of months ago, a colleague was leaving my team so naturally added us all on LinkedIn and social media to keep in contact. One thing about my social media is that very sneakily in the bios or descriptions, there’s always a link to this blog, just in case it tempts a passerby orContinue reading “Thoughts on cringe”

Gelato snobbery

Continuing the collection of posts based on my time living in Italy last summer, we move onto arguably the most important aspect of Italian culture and cuisine – gelato. One of the benefits of living so close to so much good food is that you have the chance to start understanding what makes it soContinue reading “Gelato snobbery”

Love Languages Again

If there’s one thing I can regularly weave into my conversations with friends, it’s love languages and personality tests. Maybe even the fact that one of my first posts to this blog was about love languages can attest to my slight infatuation with them. I really identify with my results and appreciate it massively whenContinue reading “Love Languages Again”

Look Who’s Back

Hello again! It’s been a couple of months since I last wrote on this blog. Perhaps you missed it, perhaps you hadn’t noticed. Either way, I’m back with some new topics and ideas to give my entirely unqualified thoughts on.  I feel like I should offer some sort of excuse for my disappearance without aContinue reading “Look Who’s Back”

Teenagers, Troubles, and Irish Accents

Derry Girls has returned to our screens with their third and final series, once again throwing us into the lives of Erin, Orla, Clare, Michelle, and James – five girls (well, one’s a boy) from Derry (again, the bloke is from London) making their way through the turmoil of being a teenager in the 90s.Continue reading “Teenagers, Troubles, and Irish Accents”

Without Good or Bad

Probably at some point in my philosophy degree, I came across the concept of amoralism. This is the idea that someone or something can be outside of morals, thus no longer subject to being labelled as moral or immoral for their actions, opinions and behaviours. This concept has fascinated me since, particularly how it mayContinue reading “Without Good or Bad”

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Kim Kardashian’s latest move in fashion seems to be ‘all in one’. Whether it’s shoes that are integrated into her leggings, catsuits with gloves attached, or the morph suit “but make it fashion” that made its way to the MET gala, I can confidently say it’s a style choice few of us would be boldContinue reading “Celebrity”

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I’m Not A Podcast Person, But…

Early in 2021, a dear friend of mine told me that she had written into George Ezra’s podcast, and her email had been read out. I was vaguely aware of his ‘George Ezra and Friends’ podcast and yet to discover the ‘Phone a Friend’ podcast. So, despite my bad track record with podcasts, I thoughtContinue reading “I’m Not A Podcast Person, But…”

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The Illusion of Self-Made

In the following blog post, I will argue not only that the notion of being ‘self-made’ is harmful, but also a straight-up lie. I’m sure most of us can agree that Donald Trump’s claims of being self-made with only a small loan (of a million dollars), is a lie. But I want to stop theContinue reading “The Illusion of Self-Made”

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Teenagers Aren’t That Bad

Over the past year especially, an age group that seems to constantly be in the news for ‘reckless behaviour’ or ‘being inconsiderate’ is teenagers. Even before they were blamed over and over again for the state of a pandemic, teenagers have always been frowned upon, judged overly harshly, and held to oxymoronic standards. Often, thisContinue reading “Teenagers Aren’t That Bad”

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