Currently listening to…

I guess this is my equivalent of a radio show, where I introduce what I’ve been listening to recently and you can go away and listen to it. Or not. It’s up to you. 1. Bubblehouse Bounce (move as one) by Ruti Ruti has an incredible voice that takes you smoothly from the highest peaksContinue reading “Currently listening to…”

Let’s go to the theatre!

I’ve had the delight of going to the theatre quite a lot recently. Considering last year, I think I only went once, I’ve currently been 3 times in the past 2 months, with a 4th visit due next week. And it’s struck me again how incredible theatre is and how much arts like this needContinue reading “Let’s go to the theatre!”

Before the Coffee Gets Cold

Translated Japanese literature has recently become a lot more popular in the UK book world. Where before, Japanese books about cats either being a metaphor for death or some other difficult life lesson were a rarity, now they come in their masses (and I’m not complaining, it turns out this is exactly my type inContinue reading “Before the Coffee Gets Cold”


By now, it’s highly likely you’re aware of Beyonce’s latest country album – Cowboy Carter. The incredible pop and R&B artist has come to dominate another genre of music, rewriting the handbook on what country is and who it’s for. Interestingly, although probably not surprisingly, it seems that the Dolly Parton hit ‘Jolene’ must haveContinue reading “Jolene”

Back on the blog

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually written a blog post, even longer than the last time I posted something (for chronology, I wrote this originally before the last post in early April). And all this time I’ve been thinking about whether I even return to writing these posts, whether they matter, are theyContinue reading “Back on the blog”

Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)

I’m not entirely sure why, but in one of my friendship groups, we’ve really adopted the phrase “women in STEM” as a response to anything that women do. This is met with nods of the head, and an echoing “women in STEM” in return. Regardless of how good or bad the action is, or howContinue reading “Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)”

Top 5 reads of 2023

I’ve read a lot of books this year. 40 in fact. Considering my annual average is around 30, this is a pretty big achievement for me. I think the main difference has been the introduction of audiobooks into my life. As I drive a lot for work, audiobooks are a great way of not listeningContinue reading “Top 5 reads of 2023”

Be more Winnie-the-Pooh

I was first introduced to Taoism (Daoism – they are the same, just different ways of spelling the same word) through a pandemic philosophy project. It’s an Eastern philosophy that seems to have originated in China alongside and almost in reaction to Confucianism. Perhaps, at this point, you’re seeing there are lots of unfamiliar wordsContinue reading “Be more Winnie-the-Pooh”

Little Women

I love Little Women. I don’t think this should come as a shock to anyone – I’ve read the books multiple times throughout my childhood and watched the 2020 film at least 5 times since its release (this might not sound like a lot, but I don’t often rewatch films). I’ve also watched previous iterationsContinue reading “Little Women”

Some songs I like

Hello again. I’ve previously done other formats of sharing songs I’m vibing to at the moment, usually based on my most played. However, I’m changing things up because there are specific songs I want to talk about and I’m not following any rules with this, made by myself or anyone else. Thank you.  Ladies roomContinue reading “Some songs I like”

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