Down with the single tax!

Now the title of this piece may lead you to believe this is going to be me moaning about being single in a subconsciously envious of couples way. I hope it won’t be that, but I guess I can’t make any promises. This concept came up when reading some form of feminist literature over theContinue reading “Down with the single tax!”

Little Women

I love Little Women. I don’t think this should come as a shock to anyone – I’ve read the books multiple times throughout my childhood and watched the 2020 film at least 5 times since its release (this might not sound like a lot, but I don’t often rewatch films). I’ve also watched previous iterationsContinue reading “Little Women”


Some may say that reading two heavily factual accounts of the gender gap in various areas of life in a short space of time might not be good for you. Others may say that the books you read in between those two probably shouldn’t be a collection based on feminism. Unfortunately, none of those peopleContinue reading “(wo)men”

Bring out the bangs

There’s a narrative that has been built about making drastic changes to your hair, associating it with bad mental states and life falling apart around you. This was probably because there are a fair number of unhinged haircuts that happen both in media and in real life, where a person feels overwhelmed and out ofContinue reading “Bring out the bangs”

There’s too much

I’ve not even started writing and already I get the feeling that this may come across as slightly hypocritical. However, I will set off on my argument with wild abandon for rules. From my humble perspective, there seem to be a lot more films nowadays. Also a lot more TV series. And music too, nowContinue reading “There’s too much”


Over the summer, I took a leap and went to work for a family in Italy. I didn’t know them beforehand; although I knew I was staying with them I wasn’t entirely sure where that was. I hadn’t been told a lot about what I’d be doing, but had been given the umbrella term ofContinue reading “Timidness”


Kim Kardashian’s latest move in fashion seems to be ‘all in one’. Whether it’s shoes that are integrated into her leggings, catsuits with gloves attached, or the morph suit “but make it fashion” that made its way to the MET gala, I can confidently say it’s a style choice few of us would be boldContinue reading “Celebrity”

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The Illusion of Self-Made

In the following blog post, I will argue not only that the notion of being ‘self-made’ is harmful, but also a straight-up lie. I’m sure most of us can agree that Donald Trump’s claims of being self-made with only a small loan (of a million dollars), is a lie. But I want to stop theContinue reading “The Illusion of Self-Made”

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