Transactional relationships

“There is a boy out there who knows how to floss because my friend taught him. Now he kisses college girls with fresh breath. A boy married to my friend who doesn’t know how to pack his own suitcase. She “likes to do it for him.” A million boys who know how to touch aContinue reading “Transactional relationships”

Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)

I’m not entirely sure why, but in one of my friendship groups, we’ve really adopted the phrase “women in STEM” as a response to anything that women do. This is met with nods of the head, and an echoing “women in STEM” in return. Regardless of how good or bad the action is, or howContinue reading “Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)”

Be more Winnie-the-Pooh

I was first introduced to Taoism (Daoism – they are the same, just different ways of spelling the same word) through a pandemic philosophy project. It’s an Eastern philosophy that seems to have originated in China alongside and almost in reaction to Confucianism. Perhaps, at this point, you’re seeing there are lots of unfamiliar wordsContinue reading “Be more Winnie-the-Pooh”

I don’t care that much about being beautiful?

Somehow, this year I ended up in a conversation, entirely in Italian, where I was told I was beautiful and my eyes were the colour of a swimming pool. I replied, saying (in poor Italian) that usually I get told my eyes are grey. In any case, my eyes were definitely not the colour ofContinue reading “I don’t care that much about being beautiful?”

Existential Joy?!?!

For some reason, the philosophy department at my university thought it would be fitting to schedule the weekly ‘Existentialism’ lectures in first year for 9 am on a Monday morning. This nicely prepared me and most of the group to spend the entire week reflecting on the question of “what’s the point of life?” beforeContinue reading “Existential Joy?!?!”


Back in my second year of university, I had chosen to take a module titled “Philosophy of Cognitive Science and AI’. I was under the impression it was all going to be robots and ethical thought experiments. It was not. Very quickly, I discovered that it might have been useful to have a background degreeContinue reading “ABBA and AI”


Having recently attended the graduation ceremony for my degree in Philosophy, it’s high time Plato got some coverage on this blog. I might say that Plato started it all, setting me on a path of Philosophy that continues to shape my thinking and perspective of the world. Certainly, his words and ideas have informed theContinue reading “Plato”

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