Falling Back In Love

Back in 2013, I first heard the ey-ey-ohs of the introduction to Bastille’s Pompeii. It sounds ridiculous but I do look back on that moment as a turning point in my history, the beginning of a new chapter. We learnt choreography to the beginning of the song in my BTEC Dance class and I madeContinue reading “Falling Back In Love”

An Overdue Appreciation

Honestly, I’m shocked at myself for having a blog for this long without this post ever being created. I love cats. All my life, with the exception of about a month, my parents have had a cat in the house. In going to university and being away from a cat, I discovered that I wouldContinue reading “An Overdue Appreciation”

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Kim Kardashian’s latest move in fashion seems to be ‘all in one’. Whether it’s shoes that are integrated into her leggings, catsuits with gloves attached, or the morph suit “but make it fashion” that made its way to the MET gala, I can confidently say it’s a style choice few of us would be boldContinue reading “Celebrity”

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Teenagers Aren’t That Bad

Over the past year especially, an age group that seems to constantly be in the news for ‘reckless behaviour’ or ‘being inconsiderate’ is teenagers. Even before they were blamed over and over again for the state of a pandemic, teenagers have always been frowned upon, judged overly harshly, and held to oxymoronic standards. Often, thisContinue reading “Teenagers Aren’t That Bad”

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