Before the Coffee Gets Cold

Translated Japanese literature has recently become a lot more popular in the UK book world. Where before, Japanese books about cats either being a metaphor for death or some other difficult life lesson were a rarity, now they come in their masses (and I’m not complaining, it turns out this is exactly my type inContinue reading “Before the Coffee Gets Cold”

Coming full-circle

At various stages in life, such as the end of one year and the beginning of the next, we’re encouraged to reflect on our progress and look at the journey that brought us to where we are today. Some of us do this more than others, taking every new year, birthday, new job, new termContinue reading “Coming full-circle”

Existential Joy?!?!

For some reason, the philosophy department at my university thought it would be fitting to schedule the weekly ‘Existentialism’ lectures in first year for 9 am on a Monday morning. This nicely prepared me and most of the group to spend the entire week reflecting on the question of “what’s the point of life?” beforeContinue reading “Existential Joy?!?!”

Wow, thank you

If I regularly speak to you about books, there is a very high chance that I’ve talked about this book, if not, recommended it to you wholeheartedly, maybe quoting a favourite line or a particularly resonant poo joke. Of course, I am talking about “wow, no thank you” by Samantha Irby. One of my favouriteContinue reading “Wow, thank you”

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