Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)

I’m not entirely sure why, but in one of my friendship groups, we’ve really adopted the phrase “women in STEM” as a response to anything that women do. This is met with nods of the head, and an echoing “women in STEM” in return. Regardless of how good or bad the action is, or howContinue reading “Why the world needs philosophers (and people interested in any subject really)”

Top 5 reads of 2023

I’ve read a lot of books this year. 40 in fact. Considering my annual average is around 30, this is a pretty big achievement for me. I think the main difference has been the introduction of audiobooks into my life. As I drive a lot for work, audiobooks are a great way of not listeningContinue reading “Top 5 reads of 2023”


There were no trumpets No red carpet and fancy shoes No announcement to the world Or lightbulb moment I didn’t jump out of the bath Call my Mum with the great news No one prophesied it (Unless you count a ‘good work!’ comment on a year 3 short story) It was always there Hiding inContinue reading “Calling?”

More memoirs please

Over the past few years, as I have recovered from university and rediscovered my love of reading, I’ve had the chance to read a wide variety of books. I quickly realised that many of my favourites ended up being memoirs. This didn’t seem to be too dependent on the author or the events of theirContinue reading “More memoirs please”

Books to get you out of a slump

As a keen reader, I am no stranger to the reading slump. The slump affects people differently, whether reading at a glacial pace, not getting into any of the books you’ve looked forward to, or not finishing as many as anticipated. Either way, it can be demotivating, making you feel like you’ll never be backContinue reading “Books to get you out of a slump”

My Reading Round-Up

It might not be a shocking revelation that I enjoy reading. I have been making posts about books and favourite authors over the past year, pondering their ideas and trying to work out in some little way why I enjoy them so much. So, I thought for the beginning of a new year, I’d startContinue reading “My Reading Round-Up”

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