Before the Coffee Gets Cold

Translated Japanese literature has recently become a lot more popular in the UK book world. Where before, Japanese books about cats either being a metaphor for death or some other difficult life lesson were a rarity, now they come in their masses (and I’m not complaining, it turns out this is exactly my type inContinue reading “Before the Coffee Gets Cold”

7 years later

I find it interesting that over the course of this blog’s lifetime, there’s only one trend or pattern I can really see in the posts I’ve shared and what people have responded to. Every May, I reach record views, particularly with my most popular post which is a silly little poem I wrote about missingContinue reading “7 years later”

Books to get you out of a slump

As a keen reader, I am no stranger to the reading slump. The slump affects people differently, whether reading at a glacial pace, not getting into any of the books you’ve looked forward to, or not finishing as many as anticipated. Either way, it can be demotivating, making you feel like you’ll never be backContinue reading “Books to get you out of a slump”

Another little poem

Winter is never easy, more so without the warmth of those you love without someone to call you ‘flower’ and add stickers to envelopes without someone beckoning you over to distribute their Christmas cards without the bracketed (surname) to remind you of what part of your family they belong to without the memories of lastContinue reading “Another little poem”

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