Online Christianity

If you’ve ever stumbled across Christian social media, you’ll probably know it’s a bit of a weird place. Over in one corner, we’ve got the couple who have a podcast, a child and another on the way all by the age of 25. If we keep going, we’ve got a young girl talking about purityContinue reading “Online Christianity”

Reckless love

There’s a certain audience that seeing the words ‘reckless love’ will have instantly been transported back 5 years-ish to when the song ‘Reckless Love’ came out and caused much controversy. For those who don’t know what’s going on, ‘Reckless Love’ is a Christian song that has some powerful words and melodies, quickly becoming a favouriteContinue reading “Reckless love”


As a historically Christian country, England is scattered with cathedrals of all shapes and sizes. This year in particular, I’ve found myself in some of the cities that house these massive constructions and made a point of going to visit them, if only to sit outside for a while and take in their enormity andContinue reading “Cathedrals”

Coming full-circle

At various stages in life, such as the end of one year and the beginning of the next, we’re encouraged to reflect on our progress and look at the journey that brought us to where we are today. Some of us do this more than others, taking every new year, birthday, new job, new termContinue reading “Coming full-circle”

Without Good or Bad

Probably at some point in my philosophy degree, I came across the concept of amoralism. This is the idea that someone or something can be outside of morals, thus no longer subject to being labelled as moral or immoral for their actions, opinions and behaviours. This concept has fascinated me since, particularly how it mayContinue reading “Without Good or Bad”

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Interview: Kieran Murphy

A couple of weeks ago, I sat down with Kieran Murphy, Director at Phase Hitchin, to talk about vulnerability. It’s a conversation we both feel passionately about and have been working through for over 5 years now, particularly regarding grief and how to speak about it with those around us. For me, there’s been aContinue reading “Interview: Kieran Murphy”

Nuanced beliefs

Throughout my blog posts and certainly, if you’ve met me, you might have picked up that I would consider myself a Christian. While the exact specifics of what that means to me may change over time and my interpretations of traditions and rituals may vary, that generally doesn’t affect my religious perspective. I have hadContinue reading “Nuanced beliefs”

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How’s God? II

I distinctly remember back in Sixth Form Philosophy and Ethics, our class were studying the topic of miracles. We were discussing whether we believed they happened, and whether David Hume’s assessment of them was accurate (basically that miracles are by definition impossibilities happening, so are most likely impossible). Someone in the class suggested that perhapsContinue reading “How’s God? II”

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