Transactional relationships

“There is a boy out there who knows how to floss because my friend taught him. Now he kisses college girls with fresh breath. A boy married to my friend who doesn’t know how to pack his own suitcase. She “likes to do it for him.” A million boys who know how to touch aContinue reading “Transactional relationships”

Down with the single tax!

Now the title of this piece may lead you to believe this is going to be me moaning about being single in a subconsciously envious of couples way. I hope it won’t be that, but I guess I can’t make any promises. This concept came up when reading some form of feminist literature over theContinue reading “Down with the single tax!”

Little Women

I love Little Women. I don’t think this should come as a shock to anyone – I’ve read the books multiple times throughout my childhood and watched the 2020 film at least 5 times since its release (this might not sound like a lot, but I don’t often rewatch films). I’ve also watched previous iterationsContinue reading “Little Women”


Some may say that reading two heavily factual accounts of the gender gap in various areas of life in a short space of time might not be good for you. Others may say that the books you read in between those two probably shouldn’t be a collection based on feminism. Unfortunately, none of those peopleContinue reading “(wo)men”

Plant life 2

Am I just returning to all my original posts and adding new thoughts to them? Maybe. Anyway, it’s been a long time (far too long) since I updated you on all my plants. Since I introduced them to you, many of them grew well for a long time. I then abandoned them all to goContinue reading “Plant life 2”

I don’t care that much about being beautiful?

Somehow, this year I ended up in a conversation, entirely in Italian, where I was told I was beautiful and my eyes were the colour of a swimming pool. I replied, saying (in poor Italian) that usually I get told my eyes are grey. In any case, my eyes were definitely not the colour ofContinue reading “I don’t care that much about being beautiful?”

I love Chick Flicks

You know the film. The poster’s colour scheme largely revolves around shades of barbie pink, the main (fem) character made up to the nines, possibly draped over some hunk of a man, otherwise backed up by some equally glamorous girls. Bonus points for exaggerated posing. The sort of film that instantly gets ruled out whenContinue reading “I love Chick Flicks”

Some More Poetry Perhaps

I have mentioned before that I sometimes write poems. As we approach Spring and the sun returns to us once again, I was reminded of this one I wrote at some point in my past. It celebrates one of my favourite little creatures. They have some really interesting significance in Egyptian mythology that I wouldContinue reading “Some More Poetry Perhaps”

Underrated Authors: Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in 1860 America, just when the far more famous Louisa May Alcott was beginning her own writings. She married aged 24 and suffered from depression in an age which knew very little about it or how to treat it. The marriage was over within 4 years and she moved toContinue reading “Underrated Authors: Charlotte Perkins Gilman”

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New year, new me

I’m writing this post just before my birthday, although by the time the world gets to see it, my birthday will have passed. As someone who loves to reflect (is this just distracting me from the present? How much nostalgia is healthy?) there is nothing like a birthday to make you think. In the past,Continue reading “New year, new me”

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