Currently listening to…

I guess this is my equivalent of a radio show, where I introduce what I’ve been listening to recently and you can go away and listen to it. Or not. It’s up to you. 1. Bubblehouse Bounce (move as one) by Ruti Ruti has an incredible voice that takes you smoothly from the highest peaksContinue reading “Currently listening to…”

Some songs I like

Hello again. I’ve previously done other formats of sharing songs I’m vibing to at the moment, usually based on my most played. However, I’m changing things up because there are specific songs I want to talk about and I’m not following any rules with this, made by myself or anyone else. Thank you.  Ladies roomContinue reading “Some songs I like”

A selection of jams 2

Occasionally, just occasionally, we all need a break from my overly in-depth analysis of overlooked literary heroes, social trends, and my opinions. So, as a little treat, I have some more sweet tunes for you to slather on toast, scone, or even crumpet. These were my ten most listened-to bops whenever I originally wrote thisContinue reading “A selection of jams 2”

Tracks of my years

I find it fascinating how our senses store different things in our brains, connecting them to obscure scents at Grandma’s house, food I tasted once at school, or even a song listened to in the car on a Scottish holiday. I was reminded of this recently, coming across Martyn Joseph’s discography on my phone andContinue reading “Tracks of my years”

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