7 years later

I find it interesting that over the course of this blog’s lifetime, there’s only one trend or pattern I can really see in the posts I’ve shared and what people have responded to. Every May, I reach record views, particularly with my most popular post which is a silly little poem I wrote about missingContinue reading “7 years later”

Bring out the bangs

There’s a narrative that has been built about making drastic changes to your hair, associating it with bad mental states and life falling apart around you. This was probably because there are a fair number of unhinged haircuts that happen both in media and in real life, where a person feels overwhelmed and out ofContinue reading “Bring out the bangs”

TV Series

Over the past year especially, I have had more free time than previously. This has meant I have caught up on many of the TV series I should have been watching many years ago, series that are going places and series I know I love and just needed the chance to watch the whole wayContinue reading “TV Series”

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