Top 5 reads of 2023

I’ve read a lot of books this year. 40 in fact. Considering my annual average is around 30, this is a pretty big achievement for me. I think the main difference has been the introduction of audiobooks into my life. As I drive a lot for work, audiobooks are a great way of not listeningContinue reading “Top 5 reads of 2023”

Little Women

I love Little Women. I don’t think this should come as a shock to anyone – I’ve read the books multiple times throughout my childhood and watched the 2020 film at least 5 times since its release (this might not sound like a lot, but I don’t often rewatch films). I’ve also watched previous iterationsContinue reading “Little Women”

Star Wars!!!

In my first list of topics to cover on my blog, I included Star Wars. I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to say, but I wanted to acknowledge and celebrate its impact on my life. Several years later, many Star Wars films and series passed and a Star Wars Celebration attended, I think I’veContinue reading “Star Wars!!!”

Bring out the bangs

There’s a narrative that has been built about making drastic changes to your hair, associating it with bad mental states and life falling apart around you. This was probably because there are a fair number of unhinged haircuts that happen both in media and in real life, where a person feels overwhelmed and out ofContinue reading “Bring out the bangs”

I love Chick Flicks

You know the film. The poster’s colour scheme largely revolves around shades of barbie pink, the main (fem) character made up to the nines, possibly draped over some hunk of a man, otherwise backed up by some equally glamorous girls. Bonus points for exaggerated posing. The sort of film that instantly gets ruled out whenContinue reading “I love Chick Flicks”

There’s too much

I’ve not even started writing and already I get the feeling that this may come across as slightly hypocritical. However, I will set off on my argument with wild abandon for rules. From my humble perspective, there seem to be a lot more films nowadays. Also a lot more TV series. And music too, nowContinue reading “There’s too much”

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