Be more Winnie-the-Pooh

I was first introduced to Taoism (Daoism – they are the same, just different ways of spelling the same word) through a pandemic philosophy project. It’s an Eastern philosophy that seems to have originated in China alongside and almost in reaction to Confucianism. Perhaps, at this point, you’re seeing there are lots of unfamiliar wordsContinue reading “Be more Winnie-the-Pooh”


Kim Kardashian’s latest move in fashion seems to be ‘all in one’. Whether it’s shoes that are integrated into her leggings, catsuits with gloves attached, or the morph suit “but make it fashion” that made its way to the MET gala, I can confidently say it’s a style choice few of us would be boldContinue reading “Celebrity”

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Reviewing Oscar Wilde

This blog post was inspired by my recent reading of five of Oscar Wilde’s best known plays – The Importance of Being Earnest, A Woman of No Importance, Salome, Lady Windermere’s Fan and An Ideal Husband. Each of these plays shows a nuanced perspective from within the upper class lifestyles, commenting on values, truth, dignityContinue reading “Reviewing Oscar Wilde”

The Gift

This blog is partly inspired by a chapter in ‘The Gift’ by Lewis Hyde and partly inspired by the events over the week beginning with International Women’s Day (8th March) and ending with Mother’s Day (14th March 2021). On the whole, the book goes into some pretty hefty analysis of gift culture, truly walking theContinue reading “The Gift”

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