Knit one, purl one

I’ve really got into knitting lately. It started with my cousin announcing they were expecting a baby (for the purposes of my life, cousin can now be plural and refers both to the children of my aunts and uncles along with their partners. They’re essentially cousins by extension anyway). As any girl in their mid-twentiesContinue reading “Knit one, purl one”


As a historically Christian country, England is scattered with cathedrals of all shapes and sizes. This year in particular, I’ve found myself in some of the cities that house these massive constructions and made a point of going to visit them, if only to sit outside for a while and take in their enormity andContinue reading “Cathedrals”


There were no trumpets No red carpet and fancy shoes No announcement to the world Or lightbulb moment I didn’t jump out of the bath Call my Mum with the great news No one prophesied it (Unless you count a ‘good work!’ comment on a year 3 short story) It was always there Hiding inContinue reading “Calling?”

Love songs are out

Last month, Boygenius released ‘The Record’. One of the main responses I saw to this was reacting to the main themes. Rather than dwelling on romantic relationships or love, the focus was on friendships. It was easy to imagine the members of the band were writing these songs about themselves. There were romantic moments, gesturesContinue reading “Love songs are out”

Star Wars!!!

In my first list of topics to cover on my blog, I included Star Wars. I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to say, but I wanted to acknowledge and celebrate its impact on my life. Several years later, many Star Wars films and series passed and a Star Wars Celebration attended, I think I’veContinue reading “Star Wars!!!”

More memoirs please

Over the past few years, as I have recovered from university and rediscovered my love of reading, I’ve had the chance to read a wide variety of books. I quickly realised that many of my favourites ended up being memoirs. This didn’t seem to be too dependent on the author or the events of theirContinue reading “More memoirs please”

Poetry again

Borrow someone else’s confidence There’s plenty to go around Drink it in and let it fill you up Take it by the hand Barrel onto the dancefloor It doesn’t have to be your usual You’re sharing a personality As your spinning, following spirals Let their overflowing supply cover you With glitter and stars For oneContinue reading “Poetry again”

Accessibility and Art

Art has a reputation for red wine, boujee gallery openings, and incomprehensible pieces. Yet also, within that scale, are the pieces of art that the general public look at and thinks “I could’ve done that”. Often this is seen as a derogatory statement to make – the artist shouldn’t really be celebrated to the extentContinue reading “Accessibility and Art”

A selection of jams 2

Occasionally, just occasionally, we all need a break from my overly in-depth analysis of overlooked literary heroes, social trends, and my opinions. So, as a little treat, I have some more sweet tunes for you to slather on toast, scone, or even crumpet. These were my ten most listened-to bops whenever I originally wrote thisContinue reading “A selection of jams 2”

Books to get you out of a slump

As a keen reader, I am no stranger to the reading slump. The slump affects people differently, whether reading at a glacial pace, not getting into any of the books you’ve looked forward to, or not finishing as many as anticipated. Either way, it can be demotivating, making you feel like you’ll never be backContinue reading “Books to get you out of a slump”

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