
As a historically Christian country, England is scattered with cathedrals of all shapes and sizes. This year in particular, I’ve found myself in some of the cities that house these massive constructions and made a point of going to visit them, if only to sit outside for a while and take in their enormity andContinue reading “Cathedrals”

Travelling by Song

A while ago, I asked friends to send me songs with place names in the title. I wanted to listen to them and find out what they really tell us about the places they claim to be about. I have collated them here, along with my description of the place, based on their songs. BeforeContinue reading “Travelling by Song”

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Artistic Concrete

Anyone who has visited the National Theatre with me in the last 5 years will have heard my fun fact – the National Theatre has an award for its concrete being fabulous. I really do think it’s beautiful, precisely imprinted with the patterns of wooden beams, creating a striking and artistic statement to anyone whoContinue reading “Artistic Concrete”

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