Some songs I like

Hello again. I’ve previously done other formats of sharing songs I’m vibing to at the moment, usually based on my most played. However, I’m changing things up because there are specific songs I want to talk about and I’m not following any rules with this, made by myself or anyone else. Thank you. 

Ladies room – Olivia Dean

I think every time I’ve written any sort of list of music I like, Olivia Dean has popped up. She just seems to always have something newish that I can’t get enough of, so kudos to her. Ladies room is sassy and funky. It’s very much from the perspective of a lady in a relationship who just wants to let her hair down and go a bit MIA. It happens! For some, that looks like a girls night hitting the town, for others that’s ignoring all texts and curling up in bed, or maybe going for a long hike (or adventure?). In any case, it just requires space from the significant other. I personally believe we all need time away at some point, particularly from those we spend the most time with. Even the least tiring people have their limits. Or maybe that’s just the introvert in me. 

Number one fan – MUNA

A straight-up bop. For when the haters be hating or when you’re being hyped up, it’s versatile. You can sing it ironically, you can sing it with true self-belief, you can sing it walking down a red carpet, you can sing it brushing your teeth. Occasionally, we all need to root for ourselves and ignore the other noise. Goes well also with ‘The one that got away’.

The Night – Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons

At school, there was a drama trip to see the Jersey Boys musical in London. I went twice (different years) and both times it was great. Thus started my admiration of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Most people enjoy a pop throwback and I think Frankie does it time and time again. People don’t think they know the songs until the chorus and then they realise they do, and boy are they going to dance around to it. I don’t think this song is quite as recognisable, but I still think it should be. I would like to slowly influence everyone into loving this song so that it would show up at a wedding or other party and it wouldn’t be a surprise. 

Run – Maisie Peters

I think this song hits harder if you’ve ever been in a Christian seminar of some sort directed at single teenagers, led by a married couple who encouraged you all to date only someone you could imagine marrying, and several years later you realise that’s awful advice, particularly for a teenager. Too niche? There’s a time in life when you realise some people assume everyone wants never-ending commitment, and so they throw around terms like ‘forever’ because they think it will capture you. Those people are the people that Maisie is warning us about. When you’re in you’re mid-twenties and they promise too much too soon, the best thing you can do is get out. A cynical take? Well, otherwise it’s a great track for a running fanatic whose response to all situations is doing a 5k. 

Others I would mention include Cruel Summer – Taylor Swift and Vampire – Olivia Rodrigo but I feel like they don’t need so much publicity – we’re all listening to them anyway.

If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy my thoughts on why love songs are out or other selections of jams I have.

Published by rebekahthebacon

Blogger of many things, plant mum and earring enthusiast.

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